it's my life...try to listen to it...

hye...nme sy cik lily...thx view my blog...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

B8 TERBAEKK ... !!!

drumrolls plz.....
maharaja kembali stelh bercuti selme 2buln++....
mian , jeongmal mianhae ats kehilgn tnpa berite....
bukn ap....
intrnt kt umh tuh mcm kambeng....
mmbuatkn hambe sgt tdk ad mood utk mengupdate....
tp suda byk sgt update yg terlps selame 2buln suke duke....
sume try to catch up with me....

first and foremost cik lily kini bergelar SISWI....!
wah ayt ta bule blah...
tp bukn cik lily yg sje2 pnggil ea...
akak2 n abg2 PM a.k.a Pemimpin Mahasiswa yg pgl ktorg siswi...keke....
ala kalo mse korg orientasi kn ad kire lbh kurg la PM ny....
so skg ny cik lily da beralih ke stu fasa baru dlm idop cik lily...
wah ayt mmg slalu mengharukn....
bak kata kwn cik lily yg bru , cik wan kopiah ...keke....
and f.y.i i'm now studying in UiTM Puncak Alam in Foundation of Science....
*cik lily dpt tunaikn fact #9...!
kalo tataw kt ne p tnye pkck gugel...huhu...
and sumpah cik lily ckp blaja kt u mg best....
well except byk assignment n sume kne wt gne intenet....
but stilll mg len sgt dr skul....

yg na dikhbrkn d cni adlh kwn2 bru cik lily....aceh....
ta bru sgt la...da 2mgu pn gelk ktwe nan dorg....
kje pech prot aje...nsb bek gusi ny intact ag....
so here it is....

cik shud yg bek aty alah sweeet sgt ;)

cik attractive aisyah lawa kn dy....? ;)

cik fun fazi err dy yg pki tdung wne ungu....muke ta bule blah ea...

cik piqah chumil org JB lg...!syg korg lbih...hihi....

cik zarith yg suke pki jubah ;) tiap mgu blik umh...waaa jeles...!

kalo rjin korg tgk la stu2 ye....
*ssunan ini tidk mengikut spe yg cik lily syg lbih dok kt ats ea...tidk sme skali...
jgn na mst la cik lily syg org jb lbih....awww....

wookie now for d gentlemen yg mse first week kuliah gado nan ktorg bgai PERANG DUNIE KE-3....
tp skg da ok da...bak kate pepth ta kenl make ta cinte....
opsss ta de cinte ea kwn juppp...huhu....
so i presents to u.....

mr osmang yg bajet bgos.... keke jgn mare....

mr daus yg malu2.... best ckp 'koi aok' nan dy....sume terikot...keke....

mr khairul yg sweet jupp... hah ny pn org JB....!

wookie da abs...eh2 err cik wan yg kt ats tuh pn dlm list ny gk...hihi....
sbnanye grup cik lily ad 30++ tp kalo na msuk sume kecian plak korg na p tgk stu2....
and yg ralatnye ad sorg lg kwn cik lily yg ta dpt na tag...nme dy NAJMATUL LAIL....
kecik jupp org acc fb nye ta dpt dikesan....
guess what ktorg pgl dy....?
btol...ta caye....?dy yg sowh dy ny pemalu cket...aww....sweett....
org skg da mule berkate2 cket...awww....

n sory sgt ta dpt upload pic...skg ny kt blik kmptr....
kire tmpt public utk sume siswa bkk intrnt....
so sorry....for next post cik lily msukkn ea...InsyaAllaah....
*kalo rjin...hihi....
hah stu na pesn...nmpk ta cre cik lily eja InsyaAllaah tuh....?
tuh la sbnanye ejaan yg btul....with double A.....

wookie for the other update yg sgt menggumbirakn aty cik lily ialah
and guess what it's my fact #10....!
sumpah cik lily hepy...!
*nas aq pnjm ayt ko ea...hihi....
hah skg ny br la rse bersyukur sgt ad jgk yg na sponsor enset bru....
spe lg kalo ta ibunda tercinta...eh2 abh pn msuk skali...hihi...

ok that's all for now....
cik lily da pent menaip....
dan rse nye korg pn da pent mmbce kn...keke...
cik lily mg ta bule dikasi je bnde na taip....
sory sgt sb ta update gle lme...
hopefully blog ny ta bersarang sgt....;)

signing off....

sory ta dpt wt urop kecik beso...mse sgt mencmbrui ku...huhu....

Friday, April 1, 2011

25 facts u don't know about me

wah tajuk ta agk2...
ok2 sblm tuh assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh....
err kalo rse na dpt phle jwb la....^^
ok now back to d title.....
woah....ap agknye ye yg korg2 ta tau lg psl cik lily....?
hah ny la yg na dihebahkn...aceh....
i'm gonna tell u things that people don't expect from me....
so tell me which one that u had knew about it....

#1. cik lily PERNAH DIBULI....apakah....?yup....cik lily dlu slalu jd budk kne buli ta kre la nan kwn2 ke sedare ke even dak2 yg duk satu nursery pn buli cik lily...agknye muke cik lily ny muke budk bek kot...ahha...tuh korg sndri judge la tuh mse skul rendh la...ble da skul menengah ALHAMDULILLAH....ta kne buli lg...hehe....
*sy tdk menaruh dndm lgsg kpd sesiapa yg pnh membuli,mengugut atau pn melakukn sebrg kelakuan yg mengancam ketenteraman hidop sy...harap maklum...*

#2. ok yg ny cik lily ta sgke cik lily akn confess kt korg...sbg ADT (anak dara terhormat) *apakah* cik lily ta sgp na yup cik lily akn ngaku yg cik lily ta pndai masak...hehe....kalo na dibandingkn nan kwn2 cik lily mg la cik lily ta pandai...kalo yg setkt basic2 tuh bule ALHAMDULILLAH sejk2 jd suri rumh ta bergaji dpt la blaja cket2...cikgu sheikh , sy ikot pesnn ckgu taw...

#3. cik lily pny adik badik lbh dr 2 org *fullstop*
ta pyh tny d details....:)

#4. cik lily sgt lmbt mndi pg...kdg2 tuh da kne sound byk kali nan ummi br na pegi ble da mndi ta igt plak na kuar...sengal....yg ny cik lily gelk sndri jupp la...haha....

#5. umum mengetahui cik lily bukn anti sayur a.k.a ta memilih sayur...selagi namenye sayur cik lily ok jupp sb byk khasiat kn...*tuh sb cik lily jarg skit...aww* tp ad stu sayur ny,tataw la diiktiraf sayur ta tp cik lily ta suke mkn...wne dy pgl dy kacang takat tuh jupp cik lily tau sb cik lily ta ske mkn kacang peas...yg ny jgn tny knpe....cik lily pn yg pntg cik lily ta ske mkn kacang peas...

#6. aduh yg ny cik lily sbnanye agk malu na ckp tp cik lily na ckp gk...cik lily ta reti mekap...aww....npe ta cye...?ye cik lily ta reti mekap...ble tgk kengkwn bersolek segale cik lily pk wah besh nye kalo dpt mekap sndri...yg cik lily pnh pki cme bedk nan lip ice...haha...yg len jgn tny....korg reti mekap ta...?

#7. ready....?cik lily pernah NIAT NA BUNUH DIRI....wah apakah....?haha yup...ny bukn april fool's just that in hard times i feel like giving up and start questioning why on Earth am i supposed to handle this big problems...?tp bukn la smpi cik lily p amik pisau na ptg tgn ke na trjun bgnn ke tdk....i just thought let me die plz...i cant handle this anymore...but then something awake me and remind me not to give up....ALHAMDULILLAH,with people around,i dun feel that alone....niat tuh mse dolu2 la,mse budk2 ag ta de otk na pk...haha....

#8. ok let's say something amusing....cik lily suke nombor...opsss bukn nombor ekor's just that i love tuh kot dpt A+ maths...haha...when ever i go,i'll look for numbers...ble cik lily jln2 kn(nek kete la) naty cik lily tgk num plet kete uh ps uh cik lily tmbh tolak tmbh tolak....haha....katekn la num plet dy J** 4723...naty cik lily tmbh 4 nan 7 jd 11 uh 11-2 = 9 kn...9 + 3 = tuh jela kje cik lily ble da skali cik lily nek teksi...cik lily ckp nan bff cik lily num teksi tuh uh dy kate "ko memang...ta joh drpd num..." :)

pent....?ad #17 facts lg taw....ok2 korg reht jp....

ok smbg blik....:)

#9. cik lily na p blaja kt KL...lbh tept lg UITM KL....knpe...?sb dy ada twrkn asasi  sb yurn stu sem dy murh cket....:) ke-3 sb ad org melayu jupp kt c2,i mean bumiputera so ta sush sgt na bersaing...^^ ke-4 sb ummi bersungguh2 na cik lily dpt kt na tau sb sbnr...?hehe sb cik lily na p tgk SUPERSHOW 4....!haha....ap pny cite2...abs cik lily da terleps ss3 ary tuh....ta kn na terleps lg...:)

#10. haha yg ny mg ta dpt dinafikn...cik lily gle enset touch screen....!ta kesa la jename ap pn aslkn touch screen *err jename yg baek pny la ta kn cikai pny lak* cik lily tgh na bli enset br ny...kunun2 dpt 7A dpt la adiah lm survey ag....any suggestions...?

#11. wah yg ny korg jgn tny cik lily pn tataw cik lily can cried for little things...dunno why...kate kwn cik lily aty tisu....haha...cpt sgt tersentuh....mcm murh aje hrge aer mate ny...tau2 da menitis...aww base jiwang....ok stop...naty cik lily nanges....

#12. sgt cept jth aty especially kalo muke tuh tersgt la ensem...haha....ta kire la baby ke budk kecik ke atau pn yg sebaye...sume sowh cik lily jtuh aty....pnt taw...da luke2 da tetp ta berptus ase...aceh ayt ta bule bygkn la hero2 drama korea tuh cket pny ta bule klhkn donghae sy....wink wink....

#13. cik lily penh wt bil tepn umh mencecah RM1000++.....apakah...?haha cik lily tau mst korg ta pnh wat kn...?hehe cik lily jupp yg lh wat sb korg ta de tpn umh...:) ini adlh kish benr...yup...elak kne halau dr umh jupp...nsb bek mse uh br dpt result PMR...ta de la trok sgt trok la gk...jgn tny cik lily tpn spe tp bukn boyfie ye...mse tuh cik lily blm knl pn nan SUPER JUNIOR....

#14. cik lily gle dgr radio....ok u can laugh at some point ummi ckp ko ny ketagih radio kot...haha...i just dont wanna miss ap....?absolutely FLYFM MALAYSIA'S HOTTEST MUSIC....:) kekadang cik lily dgr gk radio melayu jarang2 r...smpikn kazen cik lily kate ko ny lpe asl usul r...cik lily diam na cri gado...

#15. ok yg ny cik lily tataw la korg wt ta tp cik lily tends to do stupid things...haha...sounds weird but that just me...kekadang da buat br uh itu la pglmn...kalo ta pnh buat kte tataw rsenye cmne...haha....

#16. sb cik lily suke dgr radio,jd tabiat yg ny come along la kn...hehe...cik lily shuke bukak radio kuat2...tataw la jirn sblh skit aty ta tp dorg ta penh complain...:) rse mcm besh jupp...tb pn kekadang bukk ta de la smpi stu taman dgr...cme kalo korg lalu dpn umh cik lily mg bule dgr la....^^

#17. ok yg ny mg cik lily kne btaw sb sgt rimas ble org ske mengaitkn kte dgn org yg ta cik lily na ckp that i'm single...tlg la ye...ta pyh sush2kn dri teke spe boyfie cik lily dan dgn malas nye cik lily akn jwb NO I DONT HV A jp2 ad tp dlm mimpi jupp la...ala yg kembr tuh ps uh donghae , hyukie , kalo bf sbnr,nope...tataw la kalo lps ny ad gk yg tny....grrr~

#18. ta bule diri dgn btul...opss phm kn ayt tuh...mksd cik lily ble cik lily berdiri cik lily ta reti na dri dgn tegk....msti na gerk ke tepi ke tgh ke dpn ke blakg....sume la...ummi pn da jd habit kot....bygkn la mse hari sukn da la commander ta kn tnjuk teladan yg ta baek...tpkse dri tegk2...nsb baek bule...haha....

#19. hah yg ny mg cik lily teringin sgt na wt tp ta penh dpt....cik lily ta penh nek aeroplane a.k.a ta penh g overseas... wonder what it's like u knw...naty ta de la org ckp kte jakun whatsoever...satu m'sia ny pn ta abs jelajah lg...anyone ad yg sudi bwk cik lily jejalan....?^^

#20. cik lily benci org merokok....yup sgt benci....dgn bau nye,dgn ta sopan nye merokok dkt tmpt org rmi ps uh asap dy kalo sdp ta pe gk...pulk tuh bukn dy yg effect,org yg passive smoker a.k.a yg berada sekeliling yg lbih trok terjejs...ta pk ke psl org len...da la mmbnuh dri sndri ta pyh la ajk org len...ok cik lily ini blog bukn tmpt luah bukn ea....?:)

#21. yg ny cik lily na tergelk ble igt...yela zmn skula spe ta kenang...tmpt jtuh lg dikenang inikn pulak tmpt men2...cik lily ske nyanyi dlm kelas...err wht i mean ble tgh wt kje tetibe jupp mlut ny ringan na yg dgr cme dkt2 jupp la...wlaupn kekadang dorg kate STFU lps uh cik lily nyanyi blik...hehe...habit kot...ala bukn slalu dpt dgr suara lemak merdu cik lily sb cik lily ta bpe mnt karaoke...mcm na pech tlinge...muzik dy kuat ta rse nye yg pling tersekse cik aten kte la dy d best seatmates i've ever met...:)

#22. emm tataw knpe cik lily sgt syg ummi....*apakah....sume org syg mak dy...haha* wht i mean is wlaupn syg sumhow terlpe na ckp time kaceh lps dy da berjase kt kte....rse berslh now i wanna say time kaceh ummi , thank you mother , kamsahmnida umma....

drumroll plz...d final three have come.....

#23. ok kalo td cik lily ta ske mkn kacang peas, kali ny cik lily ta ske mkn durian nan oren...dont ask me why...just hv something to do with my past...haha...emm lg satu cik lily ta ske mkn sate and plz dun ask me why...just dun like it...lidah mat salih ka...?dok eh...nasi mkn jupp...

#24. ahha yg ny mg cik lily agk mlu cket na ngaku tp lme2 korg tau cik lily na ngaku dlu la yg cik lily ta bpe na celik a.k.a bute IT...hehe....kalo setakat online tuh tau la tp jgn tny lately ad kwn yg baek aty ny tergkn what is A and what is B and d diff between ta de la bute sgt skg...hehe...

#25. last but not least adlh cik lily sgt suke sing along...means kalo tetibe cik lily dgr lagu yg cik lily suke i'll sing along until d very end...lg plak kalo lagu yg cik lily da tau lyric dy....pergh mcm satu kepuasn dpt nyanyi...abs jupp lgu tuh cik lily jd manusia smule....:)

so berpinarkh mate kalian mmbce entry cik lily kali ny...?God i swear ny la entry terpnjg cik lily pnh yg mne jupp yg korg da tau....?yg mne jupp yg korg ta sgke....?haha...

i'll not give u any mv since it's a vry long entry...lg pn da ad music background annyeong chingu...kamsahmnida....:)

p/s : kalo ad rse rjin na wt cm cik lily ny wt la...dialu2kn...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

alhamdulillah + mianhae ^_^

mengumumkn ketibaan....
hahaha da start la tuh dy na merepek meraban...
sblm tuh kalo tgk tjuk tuh mcm ad perkataan yg sememangnye bukn base melayu or english...jawa jaoh skali...haha...
fyi,that is korean and d meaning is i'm sorry...
knpe ye prlu mntk maap...?
ta prlu ea...?alhamdulillah....
sbnanye cik lily berase bersalah yg teramt sgt krne terlalu lme tdk mengupdate blog...
last pny 8 arh...lbh 2mggu...haha....
so korg time ye....
lg pn ta pasan kn cik lily ta update....hehe...ttop mate jupp....

ok now utk tjuk ptme....
tataw la korg sedr atau ta tp 23 MAC 2010 yg lalu mencatat sejarah bg sume dak2 yg amik spm taon lps....
*sedr kn...?stu m'sia tuh kecoh...*
ini lah yg na dikhbarkn...hehe...
pd hari rabu dlm pkl 10.15pg gitu,smk sri rahmat mengeluarkn kptsn SPM bg sume pljr yg tlh mnduduki pekse tuh pd taon lps...
msti korg sume ta sbr2 na tau kptsn cik lily kn...haha...
eh ta bule kne sbr gk...
kn sabar tuh sprh dr sabariah...^^
ok suda2 ta pyh pnjg2 da na termuntah ny...

korg ta mo teke ke result cik lily bpe...?
ala teke la..kalo btol,cik lily syg korgg....
ta na...?ta na bole jln...haha....
cik lily sbnanye malu na ckp result cik lily....
err fyi cik lily tdk segenius,sebijak,sepandai,seclever dan etc sprti anda2 d luar sne...
cik lily cme manusia biase yg malasnye ya ampun Tuhan sje yg tau...haha...
so dgn kembang kempis nye cik lily menyatakan bhwe cik lily dpt 7A...!
tepuk la,wt2 muke tkjut ke,wow..! ke congrats pn jd la....
emm yg lg due tuh ta pyh la tny...duk diam2 suda...haha...

pcye ta cik lily dpt 7A...?
sukati korg la na pcye ta...haha...
tp ble cik lily tau dpt 7A,rse lege yg teramt sgt...
sb pertame da ta pyh tertanye2 ap gk nye rsult aq....
ke-2 sb mmg ny yg cik lily target....
ta bani na trget tinggi2....
sblm tuh congrats to cik nur atira kamaruzaman and low lee mei for getting straight A for their spm result...
yup dorg mg genius...mkn ap la seyh...hehe...
ke-3 mst la utk stu2nye bujg cine kt kelas ktorg mr kok jin hui for getting 8A2B+....
emm ta lpe to my bff cik nurhamizah jamaludin that gets 6A.....
emm spe lg ek....?*cik lily dtg lmbt semlm jd ta smpt na jmpe sume*
so ny yg cik lily tau...mian kalo slh....^^
susu - 6A
laila - 6A
ahmad syahmi - 5A
esah - 5A
shamir- 5A
yuyu - 5A
syaza - 5A
atikah - 5A
fifi - 5A
mira - 5A
haziq - 4A
atin - 4A
m - 4A
hanis - 4A
dayah - 4A
zima -4A
daus - 4A *daus,aq doakn ko cpt smbuh ye....!i knw u're strong....!^^
peah - 4A
farid - 4A
fiq - 4A
syuk - 4A
arep -3A
bee - 3A
lily - 2A

pndi2 kn kwn cik lily...?mst la....
taon ktorg mg gempak...haha...
mian utk dak cine nan dak india...ta dpt na cntct dorg so tataw bpe result...
tp gerenti baek pny...hehe...
fyi,ktorg sume amik 9subjek kecuali cik laila dan cik low lee mei...

so rse nye baek la cik lily benti di sini dlu...
pinggang cik lily mcm na ptah asik membongkok jupp....
a million thanks too cik aten dan cik mah krne sudi mengkompemkn sy....gomawo....*a big bows for u...
a trillion thanks to cikgu azizah a.k.a mak ktorg krne tlh mmbri smgt kpd cik lily few days sblm dpt result uh...*a vry big bows for u...^^

*psst yg lg due tuh cik lily dpt B+...da dekt sgt nan A- tp ta dpt....ish3 syikin bersyukur...!hehe ok2 bersyukur...alhamdulillah...
cik lily tujukn lgu ny wt sume dak2 5B1 batch 2010 yg bjye dpt rsult baek pny....ta kre la bpe A pn jnji ad A kn...?
this is SUPER GIRL by my boyfie SUJU-M...
err utk dak laki,aq ta jmpe lgu superman a.k.a mls na search...^^

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm coming home...

balik umah...?
cik lily lari dr umah ke....?
oh tidak......tidak sekali-kali....
sejahat-jahat cik lily,lari dr umh is not an option....
sbnanye na ckp ad stu lagu yg tgh menjd fav cik lily skg ny....
sure besh....
tajuk dy COMING HOME....

[Skylar Grey]
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming

I'm back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong
(I'm back baby)
I feel like there's nothing that I can't try
And if you with me put your hands high
(put your hands high)
If you ever lost a light before, this one for you
And you, the dreams are for you

I hear "The Tears of a Clown"
I hate that song
I always feel like they talking to me when it comes on
Another day another Dawn
Another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I'm gone
What am I 'posed to do when the club lights come on
Its easy to be Puff, but its harder to be Sean
What if my twins ask me why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)
How do I respond?
What if my son stares with a face like my own
And says he wants to be like me when he's grown
Sh-t! But I aint finished growing
Another night the inevitible prolongs
Another day another Dawn
Just tell Keisha and Theresa I'll be better in the morn'
Another lie that I carry on
I need to get back to the place I belong

[Skylar Grey - Chorus]
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming home

"A house is Not a Home", I hate this song
Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone
And n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for it
And you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it
But you felt it and still feel it
And money can't make up for it or conceal it
But you deal with it and you keep ballin'
Pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin'
Baby we've been living in sin 'cause we've been really in love
But we've been living as friends
So you've been a guest in your own home
It's time to make your house your home
Pick up your phone, come on

[Skylar Grey - Chorus]
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming home

"Ain't No Stopping Us Now", I love that song
Whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong
I thought I told y'all that we won't stop
We back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks
It's what made me, saved me, drove me crazy
Drove me away than embraced me
Forgave me for all of my shortcomings
Welcome to my homecoming
Yeah it's been a long time coming
Lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles
Lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs
Made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)
And here I stand, a better man! (a better man)
Thankyou Lord (Thankyou Lord)

[Skylar Grey - Chorus]
I'm coming home
I'm coming home

Tell the World that I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World that I'm coming home

Sunday, March 6, 2011

tqvm cik yuyu...!

*aceh na jugk tiru cik yuyu...hehe*
ok la wat laen....
sedg melihat2 update rakan2 sume ternmpk entry cik yuyu...
*yes cik lily mmg bek,tgk blog org len br tgk blog sndri lol...*
bce2 smpi bwh tgk EH CIK YUYU TAG CIK LILY...!
*prlu ea urop besa...?*
tq ye cik yuyu...
jd utk menjlnkn t/jwb sbg org yg tlh di'tag' lahir la entry ny...

dan sememangnye soaln cik yuyu SANGAT MEMERAH OTAK...!

1. Sila beritahu nama penuh kamu. Tak kisahlah sampai nama datuk , moyang kamu.
yg lps tuh jgn tny sb my father pn ta igt....
2. Kamu suka warna pink tak?
warne pink...?
*ye cik yuyu, cik lily msh igt wrne pink tuh ap...*
tp mcm cik yuyu la ta obses sgt....
shuke sb wne dy lmbut cik lily...aww... 

 3. Kalau kamu ditakdirkan bertemu dengan si pemberi taggie ni, apa kamu nak cakap dengan dia?

kalo jmpe cik yuyu...
wah byk na ckp lme ta story mory....haha...
*ta ditakdirkn pn mmg jmpe rse nye mse amik result....haha....mntk2 dpt result bgos...doakn ktorg taw...;)*

4. Siapa paling comel? Maher Zain atau kamu?
*na tiru cik yuyu...*
mst la cik lily...sila angguk cepat2...
maher zain chumil ke...?ensem tuh bule la....haha....

5. Mana lagi sedap? Kek atau aiskrim?
ny pn sush gk sb umum mengetahui cik lily shuke mkn due2....
tp kalo kek cik lily memilih cket....
so d award goes to AISKRIM....!

6. Bila tarikh birthday si pemberi taggie ni? (Kalau kamu ingat, kamu memang hebat)  
mule2 igt buln nye jupp....
ps uh terigt taon lps kn taon cik yuyu....
knpe....?tgk ea tarikh ny...
hah lwa kn...?sb tuh la cik lily igt....
so dgn rasminye cik yuyu lahir pada 20 OKTOBER 1993...
*pkul bpe ek...?*

7. Ain Maisarah, siapakah dia?
jwpn yg sme nan cik yuyu....
cik lily ta pnh kenl dgn makhluk bernama Ain Maisarah....
siape ye...?
yup mmg ta knl....:)

 8. Ceritakan sejarah kamu membuat blog, ikutlah sampai perenggan pun.

haha rse segn la pulak sb cik lily ny bru sgt nan blogging2 ny...
emm mule2 my bff cik zuya wat blog ps uh dy sowh cik lily melihat2....
ps uh bff cik yuyu plak wat blog...
*wah mcm besh jupp...*
yg plg naek smgt tuh ble my mother tercinta sowh wat....
tuh yg terharu tuh....
tros la berblogging smpi ary ny....:)

 9. Apabila harijadi kamu, kamu nak saya (pemberi taggie ini) beri apa pada kamu?

cik yuyu yg chumil lg baek aty + da ad wit byk,
cik lily na iPhone yg plg canggih skali...haha....
*mntk ta agk2....*
bule ye...bule ye....

10. Taggie ni ada sepuluh soalan jadi wajib tag sepuluh orang ye!

wah sush gk ny...
cik yuyu yg rmi kwn pn sush na plih....
lg plak cik lily....
emm so I present rakan2 yg bakal menjadi mangsa cik lily....

cik yaya
cikgu sue

sy ucpkn tahniah....;)
*tiada paksaan ye...*
gud luck....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

my day is complete... ; )

i loike100x....
and include anything that defines happiness...
yes dear,anything...

ap cer ny....?
haha ok2 cik lily bg salam dulu....
*wah baru pasan slme ny ta pnh bg*
na tau knpe cik lily gumbira ta terkata....?
*err yg ats ny entry cik lily yg zaman jepun pny cme tjuk nye jupp yg sme....hehe*

ok back to d story...
yg hndk dkhabarkn pd ary ny ialah alkisah cik lily dating nan bff cik lily semlm...
err bff cik lily pompuan ye...ta men la nan dak laki...
cik lily kecik lg tau mne bule dating....aww....
hah kalo na tau spe dy, klik sini
klik cepat...!hehe...
chumil kn dy...?i knw kwn cik lily sume mg chumil...
sume tau....!tiada yg terkecuali....

ok intro first...
cik lily suke pgl dy mijae tp for this entry kte pgl dy cik mijae ye...
*yes dy pn gle korea cm cik lily*
 sbnanye cik mijae br dpt 2nd payment so she's thinking of buying her mother a present tp dy tataw na bli ap...
well that's when i become
so our journey starts at angsana sb ktorg na shopping kt sne dlu....
*the time is 2:30 p.m*
ala bukn shopping ap pn,nvl jupp...
cik lily mg tgh bcadang na tmbh koleksi nvl cik lily yg da berlambak kt umh uh...
so cik lily plih satu tp masalhnye nan cik mijae ny dy ta reti plih nvl dan hny akn bce nvl yg direkemenkn oleh cik lily...
cik lily cme bule rekemen yg cik lily penh bce jupp la...
tp cik mijae kate na yg cik lily ta pnh bce ag...
*mne la cik lily tau besh ke ta kalo cik lily ta pnh bce...!*tp tuh ckp dlm aty jupp la...hehe...
so last2 plih la satu nvl yg bertajuk ADAM & HAWA karya AISYA SOFEA...
yup mg karya retro tp jln cite dy sweet sgt so cik lily rekemen....
dy byr...cik lily diam jupp sb dy pki wit besr...naty cik lily byr la blik...
ps uh g tron bwh bli coolblog....
cik lily da lme ta mkn coolblog so cik mijae plih flavr...
coklat sedp...
cik mijae byr...cik lily ta kesa kalo setkt coolblog ap la sgt...haha *ta bsyukur*...
ps uh na p cs mst la nek teksi...
*haha ktorg br tau nek teksi kt angsana ta yah byr kt teksi,byr jupp kt pondok dpn uh...ckp je na g ane,dy da hafal bpe kne byr...bgos gk...*

smpi cs tros ktorg round stu building tuh na cri kedai yg jual beg shj sb cik mijae na kasi beg kt her mum....
ta byk pn kedai yg jual beg shj...
last2 g kt the bag shop...quite gud la beg dy...
tp masalhnye cik mijae da tertukr niat...bek2 na kasi her mum tros na kasi dri sndri...haha...
cik lily kate "fokus mijae ny utk mak ko bukn ko"...
dy kate "ala bukn slalu"...
"nyesal aq ta bwk wit mg da bajet na blnje ko nan mak aq pny adiah..."
*mse uh cik lily msh ta pasan ag yg cik mijae na support sume yg ktorg blanje ary ny...lem tol...*
da dpt beg yg menawan aty,p bli cd korea plak...
cik lily ikot jupp...

next agenda,ap ag mkn r....!
cik mijae suggest nasi aym tp special cket r sb nasi nye nasi goreng....
cik mijae uh dy kasi wit sowh bli aer...
tuh pn cik lily kne tmbh 45sen...haha...
yg besh nye ble date nan cik mijae,cite dy mst lg besh dr cik lily...
yela dy kje kn,cik lily ny tanam anggur jupp...
cik mijae pn story la dr A-Z psl tmpt kje dy wlaupn tjuan sbnr ktorg kuar ny na cte psl cik
pny la lme ktorg story skali tgk jam da 5:30...
ya ALLAH blum asar....!tros g kota raya...
igt na jmpe cik jaja kt sne tp dy ta agkt fon...
yela tgh kje kn ta kn na agkt fon...
jaja,I MISS U....!

mse kt surau kota raya tuh la bru cik lily pasan bhwe cik lily telh diblnje kn dr A-Z...
cik mijae....she's vry gud at knowing that i don't like to be support...
kt sne dy kasi cik lily due2 nvl yg dibeli td...
first mg plik ps uh ble pasan yg cik mijae blnje cik lily rse cm na mrh dy....
*yes cik lily mmg ta suke org blnje,cik lily pn tataw npe*
tp sb cik mijae tuh bff,diam kn jela...
tau dy ckp ap....?
"lem btl ko ny,dr td ko ta pasan ea...?"
huhu bengang plak rse nye...
na blik pn ktorg nek teksi...
kt dlm teksi br pasan yg cik lily ta cite ag psl story cik
pulak tuh ktorg blik sme nan time org blik kje....cket pny jam jln....
dpt la cik lily cte tp tuh pn cik lily wt summary jupp....

stu jupp masalhnye...
tataw npe both of us felt very dizzy and na munth at d same time...
smpi kt traffic light mydin cik mijae mntk permission bukak tingkap....
ahh br la lege cket....
da na smpi umh tuh br cik lily pasan yg cik mijae cme bli cd korea for herself...
2 nvl baru + nvl cik lily yg cik mijae pnjm + makan + minum...sume free....
gle r...
eh cop2 stu nvl bru uh cik lily bli sndri r....
but still awesome....

ny la part yg membuatkn cik lily hepy + suke aty mse first2 cik lily start entry ny...
despite d dizziness & rse na munth,tp date ktorg still d besh...
smpi umh tros tpn bff cik lily yg lg satu on how to stop rse na munth....
dy kate mnum aer yg masam or jogging...
*haah bule la plak kn cik lily joging tgh2 mgrb tuh...*
cik lily tros mnum aer asam...
it works....!dpt la gk cik lily bgn mndi & smyg mgrb sume....
and alhmdlh aftr few hours rse mual tuh ilg...

tp ble igt blik mg rse bengang + lucky...
bengang sb ta pasan date cik lily tuh na blnje cik lily...
lucky sb ad gk kwn cm cik mijae yg knw me in and out....
workaholic cmne pn dy ttp igt cik lily...
tq ye my dear...
*err next payment blnje aq ag ea...?hehe...*
sedp la plak org blnje ny...ahh suda...........

i'll leave u guys with another song from my pakwes that has "tawan" my heart...
*ignore my rojak bhse*
yes cik mijae,u're super girl...!
*err kalo korg ta pnt ag bce entry cik lily,tgk la mv ny...*

Saturday, February 26, 2011

special request...

eh korg2 ad nmpk ta mne cik yuyu...?
dr td cik lily cri dy ta jmpe2....
hah ny dy...!jmpe pn...hehe....
sblm tuh na ckp dlu yg entry ny special utk cik yuyu....
sbb mse ktorg msh jd budk skul dlu,cik lily ad jnji na post sumthin every day kt fb tp krne masalah teknikal br ary ny cik lily dpt post....
tp sbb pnykt 'M' melanda,so cik lily decide na letk kt blog jela....
dpt kongsi nan korg skali...hehe...
cme cik lily ta dpt na kongsi sume sb sumbernye dibuat rete org....haha...
so time jela ap ad....

kalau hati ini rama-rama, maka terbanglah aku mencari dirimu yang hilang seribu hari dulu...
kalau hati ini awan, hujan yang turun pasti menghanyutkanmu ke arahku...
kalau hati ini pelangi, berada di bawah lindungan langit yang sama, mengapa cahayaku tidak terbias di matamu...?
kalau hati ini memori, mengapa engkau tidak mampu mengingatiku walau sudah berabad bersama...?
kalau hati ini udara, maka tanpaku tidak bernyawalah dirimu...
kalau hati ini jam, maka setiap detik adalah jantungku yang berdegup kerana dirimu...
kalau hati ini mawar, harumanku akan menemanimu walau kita terpisah antara dua benua...
kalau hati ini kamus, maka perbendaharaan katamu semua hanya tentang aku...
kalau hati ini matematik, maka kiraannya pasti kau tambah aku, bersamaan dengan satu...
kalau hati ini muzik, pasti engkau menyanyi siang dan malam tanpa henti...
kalau hati ini keju, maka cairlah aku setiap kali mendengar namamu...
kalau hati ini kapal terbang, akan kuterbangkan dirimu agar selalu dekat dengan diriku...
kalau hati ini kamera, aku rakamkan kenangan kita agar tidak pudar dan hilang daripada ingatan...
kalau hati ini madu, maka khasiatnya buat engkau sentiasa menginginkan aku...
kalau hati ini mimpi, akan aku datangi malam-malammu hingga kau tak mampu lari walau sesaat daripadaku...
kalau hati ini sungai, berabad pun alirannya tetap menghala ke arahmu...
kalau hati ini bunga api, percikannya memeriahkan hidupmu yang lama suram tanpa aku...
kalau hati ini selimut, maka terhindarlah dirimu daripada kedinginan malam...
wokey...that's it for now...
lg pn da byk gk la tuh cik lily letk...
naty ble sumber cik lily tidk dibuat rete lg,cik lily update ye...
i'll leave u guys with my fav song...
suits this entry so well...
tgk sje taw,jtuh aty ta bule...sume pkwe cik lily...aww...enjoy...

p/s : ini sume dicopet from another my fav novelist...hehehe...daaa...

Monday, February 21, 2011

i loikeee100x...

ta sbr2 cik lily na wt entry yg ny....
sbnanye na ckp tis is my 2nd addiction for d moment...
listen to her....
gosh tis is a gudddd song...hehe...
credit to spe ye...?
mst la cik yuyu...
kalo ta krne blog dy,lmbt la cket cik lily na tau psl lgu ny...
presenting ALL ABOUT HIM by AUBURN....
enjoy dear...

it's Auburn and J.R.
coz I'm all about him,him,him,him,him
and he's all about me,me,me,me,me
and we don't give a dang,dang,dang,dang,dang
about nobody~e~e~e~e
coz I'm all about him,him,him,him,him
and he's all about me,me,me,me,me
and we don't give a dang,dang,dang,dang,dang
about nobody~e~e~e
well, had him shooting for me like a ball team
every guy was a knock out, Don King
but none of 'em had smarts, that's my things
it's not enough to have balls, Spalding
ha, one day by Starbucks
I bumped into a guy rocking black chucks
he said, "excuse me beautiful"
I said, "aww shucks"
and then he asked "ay, wanna grab lunch?"

never ever met a guy so fly
got me hooked like apple pie, I
think I'm falling and I don't know why
but I won't fight these butterflies

coz I'm all about him,him,him,him,him
and he's all about me,me,me,me,me
and we don't give a dang,dang,dang,dang,dang
about nobody~e~e~e~e
coz I'm all about him,him,him,him,him
and he's all about me,me,me,me,me
and we don't give a dang,dang,dang,dang,dang
about nobody~e~e~e
and I swear what we have is just super cool
the way he's always in my head like a Bluetooth
I got a text from him, he said come through
told me that he wants to kick it, Kung Fu
don't do nothing much at all
just we and his boys watching football
he asked for a kiss [muah]
so I give him two
he said "well thank you baby"
I said "you're welcome, boo"

never ever met a guy so fly
got me hooked like apple pie, I
think I'm falling and I don't know why
but I won't fight these butterflies
coz I'm all about him,him,him,him,him
and he's all about me,me,me,me,me
and we don't give a dang,dang,dang,dang,dang
about nobody~e~e~e~e
coz I'm all about him,him,him,him,him
and he's all about me,me,me,me,me
and we don't give a dang,dang,dang,dang,dang
about nobody~e~e~e
no, I don't need no fancy cars
and I don't need no diamond rings
my baby is all I need and more
coz I don't need those extra things
it's not about you [oh~oh~oh~oh]
[it's not about you]
it's not about them [oh~oh~oh~oh]
[it's not about them]
it's all about me [oh~oh~oh~oh]
[it's all about me]
and it's all about him [oh~oh~oh~oh]
[it's all about him]

yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah [4x]
said it's all about him, yeah

coz I'm all about him,him,him,him,him
and he's all about me,me,me,me,me
and we don't give a dang,dang,dang,dang,dang
about nobody~e~e~e~e
coz I'm all about him,him,him,him,him
and he's all about me,me,me,me,me
and we don't give a dang,dang,dang,dang,dang
about nobody~e~e~e
coz I'm all about him
coz I'm all about him
I'm all about him
and we don't give a dang,dang,dang
it's all about you
it's all about you, boy
it's all about you

Sunday, February 20, 2011

don't hate me coz I'm beautiful...aww...

ta sbr rsenye....
btl ta sbr...
haha wlaupn sabar sprh dr sabariah tp cik lily ttp ta sbr...
na tau knpe...?
cik lily na blik skul....
ta bule....?asl plak ta bule...itu msh skul cik lily pe...
ok2...ex skul....still....
syg sgt nan skul tuh...
5 taon blaja kt sne byk smpn kenangan...awww....
kalo korg pn 5 taon kapel mst byk kenangan kn....hmmm....
sbnanye p sne na pulg bku...hak2...
ary tuh kems2 almari tgk2 ad bykkk bku skul yg blm pulg...
ta la byk sgt...2 jupp....hehe....
ps uh ad date nan ckgu cik lily...da lme sgt ta jmpe...
2 buln...lme la tuh...
i'm looking forward to it...
tp for d moment,tis is my d as d singer...
nak karokk...?bule jupp...haha...

*do the pretty girl rock [2x]
what's your name?

my name is Keri
I'm so very
fly oh my
it's a little bit scary
boys wanna marry
lookin at my derriere
eh you can stare but if you touch it I'mma bury

pretty as a picture
sweeter than a swisher
mad coz I'm cuter than the girl that's with ya
I ain't gotta talk about it
baby you can see it
but if you want I'll be happy to repeat it

my name is Keri
I'm so very
fly oh my
it's a little bit scary
boys wanna marry
lookin at my derriere
eh you can stare but if you touch it I'mma bury

pretty as a picture
sweeter than a swisher
mad coz I'm cuter than the girl that's with ya
I can talk about it
coz I know that I'm pretty
and if you know it too then
ladies sing it with me

all eyes on me when I walk in
no question that this girl's a ten
don't hate me coz I'm beautiful [2x]
my walk, my talk, the way I dress
it's not my fault so please don't trip
don't hate me coz I'm beautiful [2x] do the pretty girl rock [rah rah rah]
do the pretty girl rock [rah rah rah] [2x]
all my ladies do the pretty girl rock [rah rah rah]
do the pretty girl rock [rah rah rah] [2x]
do the pretty girl rock
[now where you at]

if you lookin for me you can catch me [that's why]
cameras flashing
daddy turned his head as soon as I passed him
girls think I'm conceded coz I know I'm attractive
don't worry about what I think, why don't you ask him

get yourself together,don't hate [never do it]
jealousy is the ugliest trait [don't never do it]
I can talk about it
coz I know that I'm pretty
and if you know it too then
ladies sing it with me

all eyes on me when I walk in
no question that this girl's a ten
don't hate me coz I'm beautiful [2x]
my walk, my talk, the way I dress
it's not my fault so please don't trip
don't hate me coz I'm beautiful [2x]

doin' the pretty girl rock [rah rah]
do the pretty girl rock [rah rah rah] [2x]
do the pretty girl rock [rah rah]
all my ladies do the pretty girl rock [rah rah rah]
get along with your pretty girl rock
steal the show with your pretty girl rock
all my ladies do the pretty girl rock
sing it with me now
all eyes on me when I walk in
no question that this girl's a ten
don't hate me coz I'm beautiful [2x]
my walk, my talk, the way I dress
it's not my fault so please don't trip
don't hate me coz I'm beautiful [2x]

all eyes on me when I walk in
no question that this girl's a ten
don't hate me coz I'm beautiful [2x]
my walk, my talk, the way I dress
it's not my fault so please don't trip
don't hate me coz I'm beautiful [2x]

Thursday, February 17, 2011

i dare to take the challange...

tgn ny lju jupp na menaip ary ny...
ta pe la bukn slalu...ahha...
sblm tuh cik lily na mntk maap + izin nan cik kutin kerana meniru tertiru tjuk post dy...
hehe tdk dsengajekn ye...
tp topik kali ny mmg kne btl dgn ap yg cik lily na ckp...
btl2 pny challenge...ta de tipu2 pny ma....
muke suci cm ny ta kn na tpu plak...adoyai...tipu cket2 je...:]

tp kalo ikutkn mmg challenge la nak2 utk org yg mcm cik lily...
mcm cik lily...?
ye mcm cik lily....
org yg tkut mkn ubt...
ahha ad ke yg mcm cik lily...?
jum2 join d club...
free jupp...ta de byrn ahli...seumor idop taw...
tujuannye stu jupp...
jge kesihatan,mkn bnde2 yg menyihatkan...
spye ta skit...ble ta skit ta yh mkn ubt...kn3...?
gud idea....i knw...hehe...

so korg da bule agk la kn cite dy cmne...
ta bule lg...korg bukn nujum pak tau mse depn....
nujum pn pki teke2 je korg lg plak...
ok2 bek cik lily cte ap cer nye...
kalo ta ad yg kne maki...hehe...

sbnanye cik lily skt gigi...
gigi bongsu cik lily na tmbuh...ary tuh da tmbuh satu ny na tmbuh stu lg...
korg tau ta gigi bongsu tuh ap...?
gigi yg bongsu la...haha....
dy besenye tmbuh umor2 cik lily ny la...
dlm 18 thn...mude lg u...aww...mknenye blm bule kawen lg la...?
haha merepek suda~

sebab dy gigi bongsu,dy tmbuh kt blakg skali la so na tmbuh tuh mst dy tolk daging kte cket an...bukn cket...byk woo...skit wooo....huhu...
so ad komplikasi la cket...
kalo ad komplikasi tuh dr jaoh lg cik lily da nmpk tanda amarn...
OH NO....:[
mcm org gle cik lily tgu kt farmasi tuh...
ubt ap la gknye yg cik lily kne mkn...
skali ble smpi num glrn cik lily,cik lily tgk ad tige jns ubt....sume pil...
OH NO....:[
ps uh stiap stu kne mkn 2 biji....
OH NO...:[
ps uh kne mkn 4 kali sehari...
OH YEAH...?ta...msh OH NO lg...huhu...
oh da rse mcm kelam je dunie kiamat kot...hmm...

blik umh tuh da pasrah jupp...kalo cik lily mti sb ta dpt teln ubt ny gknye cmne ye...
ad yg sblm yg slps mkn...
so sblm lunch td mkn dlu dua pil....
bukn pil kecik2 taw...kapsul yg besr gle uh...urghh...
telan sebijik...
mybe some miracles happen i dun knw tp due tguk je aer da dpt teln...
welll tis is kinda gud wlaupn da ad due btol aer cik lily sediakn...
d next one pn sme gk...seng jupp...
wah bgos la mkn teln lg due bijik...kali ny pil bese bukn kapsul...
pn bule teln gk...hmm...da ta tkt mkn ubt kot cik lily ny...
ps uh td dlm kol 8 mkn lg ubt...ok gk....
eh jap2....

so adkh cik lily msh join club tkut mkn ubt tuh...
mst cik lily pengasas....
cme skg ny cik lily da bule teln ubt pil...
wah serase bangge di dlm aty....aceh...
dsbbkn cik lily da bjye mkn ubt,cik lily dpt reward...
sndri reward la...
cik lily dpt layan lgu yg tersangat la slow tp msh mampu menyentuh aty cik lily wlaupn da berkurun lmenye usia lgu ini....
enjoy from my idol...
syg cik siti...<3

p/s : mse dolu2 cik lily mkn ubt smpi abs stu btl aer...ubt ta teln gk...bju da bsh da sb aer menjejeh kuar...haha...mcm budk kecik...mmg kecik pn mse uh...msh skul rndh ag...:]